Spectacular Smoothie Recipes
By Kansas Living on May 30, 2023
Flavorful smoothie recipes for you and your family. 1. Apple Pie Smoothie The Toasty Kitchen 2. PB&J Smoothie Kitchen Treaty 3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Everyday...
Saving for Retirement and Post-Secondary Education
By Farm Bureau Financial Services on May 17, 2023
Saving for your retirement and your child’s education at the same time can be a challenge. But you may be able to reach both goals if you make smart choices now. Step 1: Know Your Financial Needs...
Meet Kansas Farm Bureau President Joe Newland
By Sheridan Wimmer on May 17, 2023
There’s a humble aura about Joe Newland – the kind you feel when you’re around someone who is a great leader but isn’t arrogant about it. He’s kind, he listens, he cares. He’s someone you can depend...
Defining and Using mRNA Vaccines in Cattle and Livestock
By Brandi Buzzard on May 17, 2023
The amount of time we spend consulting, planning and administering basic preventative health care to our cows, calves and stocker cattle is honestly “incowculable” (see what I did there?). But in...
Soil Health Principles Are Applied on Kansas Farm
By Greg Doering on May 15, 2023
Jay Young thought he was going to a friend’s house to play cards in 2016, but the Greeley County farmer hadn’t even picked up a deck before he got pulled into a discussion about cover crops. While he...
Meet the Cramer Ranch Family
By Kansas Living on May 3, 2023
Mark and Cindy Cramer are ranchers in Kansas who love what they do and hope to pass their legacy on to their children. Learn more about his ranch family. We live in western Lane County where we...
Pack These Dishes for Your Next Picnic
By Chef Alli on May 3, 2023
I’m betting it’s high time to gather your family and head to the great outdoors for an enjoyable picnic along with fun in the sun. A picnic is a great way to make memories! I’ve prepared some of my...
Kids Craft: Bee and Ladybug Tic-Tac-Toe
By Mandy Beyeler on May 3, 2023
YOU WILL NEED: 12 smooth rocks Paint in white, black, red and yellow Paintbrushes Optional: wood slice for game board STEPS: 1. First paint all of your rocks with a base coat of white. This...
How Can I Help Pollinators
By Meagan Cramer on May 3, 2023
1. Plant for pollinators. Use a diverse mix of flowering plants and consider native plants. Plant in clusters to create a “target” for pollinators to find. If you’d like a list, check out
Promoting and celebrating pollinators in Kansas
By Meagan Cramer on May 3, 2023
One out of every three bites of food we eat is because of pollinators — the buzzy and busy insects and animals that pollinate and fertilize plants. In fact, almost 80 percent of the 1,400 crops grown...
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