Greg Doering
Conservation on the Farm
By Greg Doering on August 3, 2023
Michael Thompson wasn’t having a good Wednesday in early May. Just as he was getting ready to begin planting corn, a hydraulic hose broke and sprayed the planter with oil. After a quick repair, he...
Fighting the Vet Shortage in Rural Kansas
By Greg Doering on August 3, 2023
Labor shortages in rural Kansas are not new, and they’re not limited to any sector. The lack of workers in careers requiring advanced degrees is well documented for professionals like lawyers and...
Pours on the Prairie
By Greg Doering on July 17, 2023
The MET&L Prairie Pour Tour isn’t a Heartland-based rock band rolling through Northeast Kansas, but that doesn’t mean there’s no merch. The tour is a showcase of beverage-based businesses in...
Soil Health Principles Are Applied on Kansas Farm
By Greg Doering on May 15, 2023
Jay Young thought he was going to a friend’s house to play cards in 2016, but the Greeley County farmer hadn’t even picked up a deck before he got pulled into a discussion about cover crops. While he...
Family farmers document wheat harvests in Kansas
By Greg Doering on May 3, 2023
Jhan LaRosh considers wheat harvest his annual vacation even though it never takes him more than a few miles from his home in Osborne County in northcentral Kansas. And those wheat harvests have...
How the Farm Bill Impacts Everyone, Not Just Farmers
By Greg Doering on February 1, 2023
By the time the Great Depression started in 1929, America’s farmers and ranchers were already suffering from a yearslong agricultural depression that had started shortly after World War I. While...
Kansas Farmers and Ranchers Remain Resilient After Wildfire
By Greg Doering on November 9, 2022
Stephanie Dickerson spent an “eternity” on Dec. 15, 2021, huddled with her husband, son, a neighbor and a hired hand in the cab of a pickup truck as a wildfire made the doors too hot to touch. It...
Farmers Buy Local Grocery Store to Keep Small Kansas Town Thriving
By Greg Doering on November 9, 2022
Kaden and Emily Roush spent months searching for the perfect location to warehouse their booming e-commerce business without much luck. Their direct-to-consumer Berkshire pork business, R Family...
Startup Hopes to Solve Waste, Access Problems in Diesel Exhaust Fluid Distribution Chain
By Greg Doering on September 27, 2022
Editor's note: This story was written in September 2022. In January 2023, Austin Hausmann and his team competed against three other innovative companies at the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) ...
Water Conservation at a Kansas Cattle Feedlot
By Greg Doering on August 2, 2022
At the confluence of the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico is a 3-million-acre landmass of sand, clay and soil carried from the interior U.S. between the Appalachians and Rockies. As long as...
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