By Chef Alli on July 17, 2023
7 Plastic Container Cleaning Hacks

Try these tricks to quickly remove lingering odors and unsightly stains from your plastic food storage containers.
1. Bleach for Coffee and Tea
For liquid stains that need a powerful cleanup, use a mild bleach solution made from 1 Tbs. chlorine bleach mixed with 1 cup hot water. Let the stained plastic container soak for 40-45 minutes, then discard the bleach solution. Thoroughly wash the container in hot, soapy water and let it air dry.
2. Hand Sanitizer on Food Dyes
We all have containers with the tell-tale red ring! This type of stain comes from tomato-based sauces.
Turns out that liquid alcohol-based hand sanitizers work wonders on this type of stain. Pour enough liquid hand sanitizer into the container to cover the stain area, letting it sit for 45 minutes. Pour out the hand sanitizer, then use a soft cloth to wipe away the stain. Wash the container with hot soapy water and air dry.
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a natural ingredient that’s gently abrasive, helping loosen stains and odors. Add a couple tablespoons of baking soda to the plastic container, then just enough warm water to form a paste. Spread the paste over the bottom and sides of the container and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse the paste away, then wipe down the container with a soft cloth. Wash with hot soapy water and air dry.
4. Newspaper for Lingering Odors
If baking soda removed the stain but not the food odors, crumple some newspaper and gently pack it into the container then seal with the lid. Let the container sit for 1-2 days then discard the newspaper and wash the container with hot soapy water.
5. Try a Sugar Scrub
To use sugar enzymes and ice to break down stains, add 1/4 cup granulated sugar to the stained container. Drizzle the sugar with a bit of dish soap, then cover with five to six ice cubes and let sit one hour. Pour the contents from the container, using the remaining sugar as an exfoliant on stains to loosen them from the plastic. Rinse with hot soapy water and air dry.
6. Let the Sunshine In
Pair the acid from a lemon with the sun’s UV rays to fade stains and kill bacteria on plastic containers. Cut a lemon in half and rub it along the discolored areas of the container. Squeeze the remaining juice from the lemon into the container. Place the container in a sunny location for a day or two to let the magic happen. Wash with hot soapy water to remove stains, then air dry.
7. Plop! Plop! Fizz
Place two denture tablets or Alka Seltzer into a large cup of hot water to dissolve. Pour the warm mixture into the stained container, allowing it to sit until the stain disappears. Discard the solution, then rinse the container with hot soapy water and air dry.
How to Prevent Food Container Stains
- Form a protective barrier in your plastic food containers by spraying with nonstick spray before adding food.
- Always let food cool before placing it into plastic food containers.
- Avoid reheating tomato-based foods and foods high in fat in your plastic food containers. These acid type foods are best stored and reheated in glass food containers.