By Dawn Ledeboer on February 16, 2021
Staying Active While Staying at Home
Walk Kansas Program Helps You Stay Active

If there’s a silver lining in the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that some have found time to be more active. Stationary bikes grew in popularity and others were able to fit a walk or run in during their lunch hour. Programs like Walk Kansas encouraged people to stay active during quarantine and beyond.
Sharolyn Jackson is the northeast area extension specialist and coordinator of Walk Kansas, an eight-week program to get groups of people walking and moving a distance equivalent to the length of Kansas. It is a team-based program aimed to help lead a healthier life.
“In Walk Kansas, we want to give people plenty of time to establish that habit, to establish a new norm,” Jackson says. “The eight-week period allows them ample time to do that and reach out to people who can support them – their teammates, who are family, friends and co-workers. We know having a team of supporters is another way to make active habits stick.”
If you are looking for a way to stay active and need some friendly motivation, this program may be the perfect solution.
Walk Kansas begins on March 28 and runs through May 22. Registration is available online.