What To Do When You Spot Cattle On the Road
By Kelsey Pagel on September 28, 2018
Since my last post I’m happy to say we have received moisture. While we are still way behind our normal precipitation at this point, we are excited about the rain we have received so far. This time...
Soil Health and Our Food
By Rick McNary on September 14, 2018
Are you curious about where your food comes from? Do you enjoy learning about the origins of what you eat and feed your family? If so, then a good place to start is at the base: soil. Justin Knopf, a...
Feeding America: The Farm Bill’s Nutrition Programs
By Hannah Becker on September 13, 2018
What do you think of when you hear the term “farm bill?” Agriculture equipment? Crop insurance? Farm subsidies? What if I told you the majority of the farm bill’s $100 billion annual budget...
A Dinner from France Farms
By Kansas Living on September 6, 2018
These recipes were orginally shared at the 2018 Kansas State Fair by Amy, a farm and ranch wife from western Kansas. Thanks to these recipes, you can dine like the France family, a farm and...