By Mandy Beyeler on November 4, 2017
Create a Pinecone Turkey with your kids
Gather some pinecones for this perfect fall activity

Fall is meant for crafting! Gather those pinecones up and make these cute Pinecone Turkeys with your kiddos.
Made from supplies that you might already have on-hand! You can use these Pinecone Turkeys as fall decor or even as placecard holders at Thanksgiving Dinner.
Supplies Needed (makes 2 turkeys)
--Pinecones (bake in the oven at low temperature to get rid of any bugs)
--Pipe Cleaners in 5 fall colors, plus red
--Googly Eyes
--scrap of brown and yellow construction paper
--glue and hot glue
First, prep your supplies. Cut the pipe cleaners in half (younger children may need help with this part). Cut 2 small sections from the red pipe cleaner. Cut the scrap paper into turkey head shape as shown below. Cut the yellow paper into a diamond shape.
Next assemble the head. Fold the yellow diamond in half to make a beak (as shown below). Bend the red pipe cleaner piece in a zig zag to make a gobbler. Attach the beak, eyes, and gobbler using glue. Set aside to dry.
Meanwhile, create the turkey tail feathers. Bend each half pipe cleaner in half in a loop. Twist the ends together as shown below.
Finally, using a hot glue gun (adult help required on this step), place a large dab of hot glue on the end of the tail feather. With the glue still hot, place feather into the back of the pinecone. Repeat for all the tailfeathers.
And there ya have it! Pinecone Turkeys!
I'm Mandy and I blog at where you can find simple crafts and DIY projects. I'm excited to be contributing monthly kid crafts ideas here at Kansas Living!