City girl visits farms
By Natasha Gandhi-Rue on October 30, 2015
A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be invited to go on a #farmfoodtour sponsored by the Kansas Farm Bureau and Kansas Soybean. It was AMAZING! For a city girl – I was nervous of course! Frankly...
Don't be fooled about your food
By Katie Sawyer on October 23, 2015
Many consumers have become misled and misinformed about the presence of antibiotics in their beef. Some restaurants and grocery stores have begun advertising antibiotic-free meat, which is like...
Treating sickness is the humane thing to do
By Katie Sawyer on October 23, 2015
The debate around antibiotic use in farm animals and livestock has again reared its ugly head. People who have never raised poultry, cattle or pigs are demanding farmers and ranchers give up the use...
Don't fear your food
By Katie Sawyer on October 22, 2015
Antibiotic use in animals has again made headlines as another national restaurant chain, Subway, announces plans to move to serving only antibiotic-free animal products. The change was the result of...
Happy Harvest
By Ariean Krieger on October 20, 2015
Hello there! I'm Ariean, visiting from the blog One Krieger Chick, where I share family friendly recipes, kids crafts, home decor...basically all about my creative adventures between trying to keep...
The Fork in the Road
By Rick McNary on October 19, 2015
Valerie Visser became an entrepreneur watching her parents adjust to the collapsing hog market in the early ‘90s on the family’s northwest Kansas farm. Her parent’s creativity--fueled by a passion...
Antibiotic free
By Glenn Brunkow on October 14, 2015
Tonight we are going to sit down around the kitchen table and enjoy one of my favorite dinners, pot roast. There is nothing better than a slow-cooked, properly seasoned hunk of beef and the...
Ghosts, pumpkins & spiders, oh my!
By Sugar Bee Crafts Kids Crew on October 13, 2015
The Sugar Bee Crafts Kids Crew shows us how to make three Halloween craft projects using suckers. Watch and see how they create ghosts, pumpkins and spiders. It's frightfully fun! See more of the...
Tradition meets innovation
By Bridget Beran on October 12, 2015
At the Hildebrand Farms Dairy, tradition meets innovation. The dairy, located outside of Junction City, has been operational for 80 years and in 2007 they began processing and bottling their own milk...
Where does food come from?
By Kansas Living on October 8, 2015
In October, seven bloggers spent three days learning more about Kansas agriculture on the #FarmFoodTour. Their goal was to get on the farm and learn directly from the people who grow our food. Below...
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