January 31, 2018

2019 Biking Across Kansas


Registration opened Nov. 23 for the 2019 Biking Across Kansas (BAK) bicycle tour. The 45th year of the longest-running bicycling event in Kansas history—a 478-mile ride across the state—begins Sat., June 8. BAK is an eight-day tour originating at the Kansas-Colorado line with up to 900 bicyclists, including support staff.

The bicyclists will start at the Kansas-Colorado line west of Goodland and will stop overnight in Colby, Hill City, Hays, Wilson, Minneapolis, Clay Center and Holton. The cyclists’ final night together will be in Holton Fri., June 14. The following morning they will cycle to the Missouri border in Atchuson, where they will celebrate the end of the ride.

BAK is also routed through: Kanorado, Brewster, Hoxie, Palco, Ellis, Russell, Lincoln, Randolph, Onaga, Effingham, and many more Kansas towns.

“The 2019 route will begin west of Goodland and progress through varied and scenic Kansas landscapes, starting in the High Plains of Western Kansas and ending in the Glaciated Region at the Missouri River. Highlights include the Largest Barn in Kansas in Colby, Nicodemus National Historic Site, Historic Fort Hays, Wilson: the Czech Capital of Kansas, Rock City Park near Minneapolis, the scenic Flint Hills and the Amelia Earhart home in Atchison,” said David Rohr, Chairman of Biking Across Kansas, Inc.

Many bicyclists will return as repeat participants, some who bicycled the very first tour in 1975. Others will take on the challenge and enjoy the trip across the state for the first time. Riders represent a wide age span—from eight to 85 years old—and multiple-generational families. Entries are anticipated from 30 or more states, including as far away as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Mexico, Washington and California. In addition, Biking Across Kansas will attract participants from countries outside the United States.

The primary objectives of Biking Across Kansas are to promote wellness through bicycling, celebrate Kansas history and the beauty of its landscape and enjoy the warm hospitality of its towns and people.

For more information on Biking Across Kansas 2019 or to register visit https://bak.org/.
