By Chef Alli on July 31, 2024
How to Clean Leeks

Leeks are a delicious vegetable, much like onions and scallions, yet they have their own unique and distinct flavor.
Because leeks are grown in sandy soil, it’s very important to give them a good soak before using them in your recipe. Here’s how:
1. Trim the root end and remove the dark tops. Typically, you should use the light and white parts of the leek for most recipes.
2. Cut the leeks into sections three to four inches long. Now slice each section in half lengthwise.
3. Fill a large bowl with warm water, placing the leek halves into the water. As the leeks soak, the sandy particles within the layers will fall to the bottom of the bowl while the leeks float to the top.
4. Remove the leeks to a paper towel-lined plate to dry; slice the leeks according to your recipe.
5. Store leeks in a damp paper towel in the fridge for up to three days.