By Jenny Burgess on May 31, 2016
What's happening on the farm
Join Jenny and her family to find out

Many times I feel like I should be losing my sanity. This time of year always has us running around with multiple things going on at one time. Right now we are still trying to plant soybeans and milo (sorghum) while also trying to keep up with the weeds in the fields that are starting to emerge with the recent rains we’ve had. My son just got out of school for the summer too. As a mom with two kids, I feel swamped. Now we have wheat harvest right around the corner.
Want to see what we've been doing? Join me on the farm...
Planting the corn is finished. It’s a family affair, you know.
It’s growing so nicely now.
My husband continues to work on our client’s equipment, trucks and machinery before harvest season. And we can’t forget, we have to go through ours too.
There is more ground to be worked before planting soybeans and milo. Our son’s last day of school ended with joining me in the tractor.
Fairy farm princess checks the wheat field with me. You knew there were wheat fairies, right?
Fighting the rains that are hindering us from planting more fall crops.
Pulling rye in the wheat fields. Rye is considered a weed in wheat fields. The presence of rye can result in dockage and other losses in wheat quality.
Watching storms roll in is amazing to me.
The little blessings in this life are the ones spent with the family while doing work.
We can’t always have the kids around for everything because of safety reasons, but when we do we hope memories are made. When they are older, we hope they can go back and remember the times they thought were work were actually some of the best things they learned. A good work ethic can get you far in this life.
Now that summer has rolled around for you have you gotten busier? Or do you enjoy a short break?
Let me know what fun things you like to do together as a family. I always enjoy hearing people’s summer adventures. As always, you can contact me through email, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.